16 Fantastic Facts That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

An inquisitive mind always needs to be nourished using information. The facts fed to brain keep it twirling and happy. There are lot mo...

An inquisitive mind always needs to be nourished using information. The facts fed to brain keep it twirling and happy. There are lot more things in the world that hunts and interrogates the related information.
The information stored by the mind can be used and shared within the unexpected time interval. Whatsoever be the reason, facts are facts.
Check and do share these mind-boggling facts.

#Fact1. Green all around

The mirror tunnel here reflects greenish color everywhere. So, when you see these mirrors, you will find them as green

#Fact2. Sucralose by accident

When a test subject speculated he was tracing up the “taste tests”, he actually found the artificial sweetener “sucralose”. This was the discovery of sucralose accidentally.

#Fact3. Spacesuits designed by Playtex in 6 weeks

The aerospace companies that bid to make the spacesuits take several years to come up with the agreeable design but here Playtex just proved it by throwing up its winning workable design in just 6 weeks.

#Fact4. A pound of honey costs a lot to bees

For bees to make 1 pound of honey, bees travel around 50,000 miles and stay over two million flowers.

Fact5. No food poison from chicken

In Britain, the eggs and chicken have been vaccinated against the Salmonella bacteria. Hence, there are lesser risks to get food poisoning from eating chicken.

#Fact6. Great Irish Famine’s effect till 2046

When the Irish Famine attacked Ireland, many people left that place and made it vacant. But the population has not recovered yet and the normal level is expected to take more than 150 years.

#Fact7. Nobody remembers before the age of 2

Many people don’t remember being born as the young babies don’t have a sense of self. This is due to the reason that brain is not developed till then.

#Fact8. The pink corner of eye depicts evolutionary improvement

The pink corner of your eye also known as ‘Plica semilunar’ shows the ancient development as it is similar to the times when we had inner eyelids like birds and reptiles.

#Fact9. Donald Duck in Nazi uniform

During world war II, Disney composed a propaganda film which starred the character of Donald Duck in Nazi uniform

#Fact10. History exams were called off for 53 million students

In 1988, the Soviet Union had to rescind history exams for 53 million students just because Premier Gorbachev’s reforms unveiled many lies from Stalin era.

#Fact11. Platypus lays eggs and generates milk

I guess platypus has got everything to make custard. Funny it is, but yes, platypus lays eggs and produces milk too.

#Fact12. A white sheep literally killed a boy

President Thomas Jefferson preserved a flock of sheep on the white house lawn. One of the sheep, Shetland ram assaulted people who tried to cross the square and ultimately killed a boy.

Fact13. Electric cars came in 1900

Fact14. T-shirts invented as buttonless shirts

Earlier the t-shirts were invented for the bachelors just for the sake of U.S. Navy as they ordered their men to wear buttonless shirts that following year

#Fact15. Without muscles, you may look like this

Without muscles the human face would look like this. I mean it would be a frightening thing to behold

#Fact16. Smaller animals much faster than bigger ones

It is known that the tiny animals experience differently than bigger animals or humans. We appear to be in slow motion to them.
source: www.wittyfeed.com


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