A Ship Went Missing In Bermuda Triangle And Mysteriously Reappears After 90 Years!

Many people have raised a question about the autheticity of this news but one thing we know, and one news that has been making rounds ar...

Many people have raised a question about the autheticity of this news but one thing we know, and one news that has been making rounds around the world is that this ship that went missing at the dreaded Bermuda Triangle has returned after 90 years with no one on board! Although the story is surreal and too adventrous to be true, here is what is said to have actually happened.

The Bermuda Triangle is known for devouring ships and even airplanes at times, because of its highly unstable gravitational pull.

One such ship named the SS Cotopaxi went missing near the Bermuda Triangle on December 1, 1925.

It was widely believed that this ship went missing because it was caught up in a wormhole.

The Cuban authorities saw this ship for the first time on May 16 last year, near a restricted military zone.

On trying to establish contact with the ship, they found that it was unmanned and thus sent three patrol boats near it.

After some search, the captain's logbook was found on the ship which was indeed associated with Clinchfield Navigation Authority, the owners of the SS Cotopaxi.

Expert Rodolfo Salvador Cruz believes that this logbook is original and therefore it can help to understand what had exactly happened to the ship and where it had been for these 90 years.

source: www.wittyfeed.com


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